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IBCC 2022-2023
invites you to India's biggest consultancy competition

Indian Business Consultant Competition


Indian Business Consultant Competition (IBCC) is a Business consultancy competition whose vision is to become the leading business consultant competition in India; to build a place where India’s brightest minds can come together to solve pressing real-world issues, all while building their critical thinking, problem-solving, and consultancy skills. IBCC will strengthen the youth's business foundation, giving them skills to succeed in their future endeavors


Consultancy is a professional practice that gives expert advice within a particular field. In this day and age, finding a solution to any problem is crucial; consultancy provides the skill to conquer any real-world problems. Consultancy would not only help develop the leadership skills, and entrepreneurship skills required to run a business, but it would also broaden one's critical thinking skills, risk-taking skills, and fairness in Business Practices which is the cornerstone of Business Consultancy

IBCC 2022-2023 is a free of charge consultancy competition that indulges in developing the consultancy, risk-taking, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in India's high school students through 2 challenging rounds.




Round 1

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Round 2

9th April
14th May
16th July

Applicants would have to fill in a form by 9th of April 2023 free of cost. Any applications past this deadline would not be accepted. To access the form click

"apply now"

The first round is the elimination round. The applicants have to make a video of a presentation regarding a case study that would be provided. The video must not exceed the length 5 minutes; if so the video would not be graded. The rubric from which the videos would be graded by is provided under case studies.

The applicants would be invited to an online forum and they would be provided with a real-life business scenario in which the applicants would have 2 hours preparation in a breakout room to make a 15 minutes presentation in front of a jury of eminent business leaders and leading consultants judges. 

Fun Facts!



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"Hello, My name is Anurag Gupta and I am the joint managing director at Roto Pumps which is a pioneer manufacturer of progressive cavity pumps. I believe Consulting can not only assist in identifying and resolving issues, but it can also keep us safe from potential risks that every company must guard against. It can also provide you with creative solutions to enhance the long-term viability and profitability of your organisation. I believe the youth of India should participate in IBCC as IBCC would widen one's critical thinking abilities, risk-taking capabilities, and fairness in business practises, which is the cornerstone of business consulting. Additionally, it would help develop the managerial and entrepreneurial skills needed to run a business."

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