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Company X sells luxurious goods which are extremely scarce in the real world and have a vast global market at a profit and a large budget. It has been selling its product for a long time. Company X’s market revenue per annum Is greater than 15 billion dollars, and its global market is completely based on customers and not on retail. In 2016 company Y launched a good that is a substitute good for the goods sold by company X. Company Y's good was inferior to company X's goods, however, it wasn't scarce and was easily manufactured. company Y sells its goods at an 80% lower price than company X. After company Y launched its good, there was a surplus of demand for its goods and a contraction of demand for goods sold by company X. company X’s sales took a huge hit by this and fell by 63%. If this continued company X would be out of business for a period of 3 years. What should company X do to regain customers and get their sales back with the benefit of beating the competition?


Video Example Grading

Innovation and Creativity- 4 marks

Recommended course of action- 5 marks

Analysis of the course of action- 2 marks

Presentation skills- 3 marks

Long-term and Short term causes and consequences-3 marks

SWOT analysis- 5 marks

Case study example- 2 marks

Fair business practices- 4 marks

Critical thinking skills- 3 marks

Expenses- 3 marks


Total Marks- 34/50



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